Epic beard care products deal. Get six months worth of beard oils, balms and wax at a fraction of our retail cost when you buy the Geeks & Villains beard care package!
Geeks & Villains · Beard Care Package
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Geeks & Villains · Beard Care Package

Geeks & Villains beard care package combo deal!!
All five Beardifulman standard beard oils in a line spelling out BEARDBeardifulman beard balms M.A.N rangeWild Substance premium quality beard wax from Beardifulman

Original price was: $145.75.Current price is: $99.00.

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5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)

Get 6 months worth of premium beard care products from Beardifulman for a fraction of the retail price with the Geeks & Villains package deal!

Beard Oil * 5 B.E.A.R.D Range
Beard Balm * 3 M.A.N Range
Beard Wax W
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This beard care package deal is basically crazy as hell on our part. If you do the math on what you are getting for what you are paying. It works out to something like a 26% discount, which means, you’d be crazy not to buy it; if you were say a person with a beard or know people with beards.

Here is everything you get in the Geeks and Villains package deals in images.

Get all five beard oils as part of the mega cheap Geeks & Villains Package deal!
Get all three beard balms in the Beardifulman M.A.N range together in one package deal
Get some Beardifulman Wild Substance beard wax, with the Geeks & Villains beard care package deal
Buy Geeks & Villains
$145.75 / $99.00

You get the full B.E.A.R.D oil range. Looks cool in your bath room, you don’t have to spell BEARD either, you can spell BAD, plus you get to try all the different scents and find your favourite and if you don’t like a specific scent, well there is always secret Santa.

You get the full M.A.N balm range. Again, test the scents, find your favourite. For now you can only spell MAN, pretty sure ANM is not a word. More letters and more balms will become available in time.

You also get a free tin of our Wild Substance beard wax, we only have one wax a present because it literally does everything you need a wax to do. It’s only lightly scented as well.

That is a pretty epic deal, you won’t need any more beard care products for a while, even guys with big bushy man manes, this is going to last somewhere between 3 and 6 months.

Guys with smaller beards, this could potentially be a years worth of beard care product. There are no other deals like that out there in the wild.

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What Is Beard Oil?

Simply put, quality beard oil stops you having a stiff scratchy beard with flaky or damaged skin underneath & makes it far far likelier that you’ll feel the pleasure & warmth of "actual human" lips pressed against yours again sometime in the future ...


What the heck is beard balm?

That's exactly what I thought when it was mentioned to me in the same sentence as beard care products. I thought, I have beard oil, I don't need no damned beard balm. So WTF is beard balm? Why do you need it & how have you lived without ...


Geeks & Villains
Beard Care Package Deal

Get 6 months worth of beard oil & beard care products with the Beardifulman ‘Geeks & Villains’ package deal!

Get all five beard oils as part of the mega cheap Geeks & Villians Package deal!
Get all three beard balms in the Beardifulman M.A.N range together in one package deal
Get some Beardifulman Wild Substance beard wax, with the Geeks & Villains beard care package deal

Buy Geeks & Villains
$145.75 / $99.00

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We get it, even though we make beardiful beard oils & balms, not everyone wants to look the same, or GOOD. So just go. I mean it, don’t make this weird.